Hello everyone... exciting WHOOSHIE news! We are absolutely delighted to let you all know that from the 12th April, all being well, Whoosh Messy Play will be reopening! As I am sure you can imagine this news has made our year and hopefully it will bring you great joy also. We have …
Talk and Play
Whoosh… We’re back!
Whoosh messy play is back! I am not sure that I can express how amazing it has been to reopen after 6 months! But... boy I'm going to try! I want to start by saying a heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone for all your kind words, shares, likes and support during this challenging time. It has meant …
Spotlight on: The Rotation Schema
This is the third in a series of spotlight blogs on schemas. Schemas are repeated patterns and actions that are observed in children’s play which change and develop over time. These help children to practise, make connections with their learning and make sense of the world around them. In this …
Spotlight on: The Transporting Schema
This is the second in a series of spotlight blogs on schemas. Schemas are repeated patterns and actions that are observed in children's play which change and develop over time. These help children to practise, make connections with their learning and make sense of the world around them. In this …
Spotlight on Schemas Series: The Trajectory Schema
What is a schema? A schema is a pattern of repeated behaviour which is demonstrated through play and exploration. It helps children make sense of things and is part of a developmental process. In this series of spotlight blogs on schemas, Whoosh Learning will help you to identify the different …