Whoosh - it's Autumn! I love Autumn for so many reasons - the smells, the colours on the trees, the surprise of finding a conker or two, the misty mornings, vibrant coloured toadstools, a log fire in the evenings, crunchy leaves and the excuse to start to hibernate and slow down a little. Below …
Whoosh… September time flies into October!
It has been a busy start to September and I can’t believe how quickly time goes! We have been so busy at Whoosh, creating new exciting themes for all the little ones to explore and have fun with. Below is a little snapshot of what we have been doing over the last 4 weeks. Week 1 - Journey to …
Summer Days with Whoosh – our events in Sussex!
As the days are getting cooler and the nights are beginning to get darker earlier, I thought it would be nice to reflect on what an amazing 1st Summer of Whoosh we have had! A huge 'THANK YOU' to all that came along and enjoyed the sessions in the summer. Enjoy taking a little trip down our sunny …
Little Steps Forward – Separating from each other
This is the third blog in a series to support families preparing their child for starting school. In this blog, Whoosh Learning is focusing on how to prepare your child positively and confidently for separating from you on their first days of starting school. From my experience this is …
Rocking Rhymes – a focus on the magic of nursery rhymes
Nursery rhymes and lullabies have been around for hundreds of years and have traditionally been sung and enjoyed in every culture. Whoosh learning explores the importance of rhyme this week in our blog but we have also been exploring different ways to sing and play with rhymes in our messy play …