The story of Elmer the Elephant is a well loved tale found in lots of homes that explores friendship and celebrates being different. Children love this bright and colourful story as they follow the journey that Elmer the elephant makes to realise that standing out, standing tall, being and proud and realising that being different is wonderful. After all… being brave and true to yourself is a special talent and one that we should all embrace. Everyone needs an Elmer type of day!
Whoosh Learning takes the time this week to shine a little spotlight on this endearing tale. Below are some ideas of how to support your child’s talk and play experiences using our new TALK and PLAY card as well as some ideas for sensory and messy play! Have fun together as you play and learn.
Talk and Play with Elmer the Elephant
Please download out new Elmer Talk and Play Card. This card gives parents/ carers ideas on how to support your child’s early experiences with stories. Press the download button below to save and print out the card to go with the book.